17.3. Refactoring to Algorithms

The primary objective of refactoring is to improve code. Those improvements might take many forms. In this section we are going to focus on refactoring a pair of functions that at first glance do not appear to be doing the same thing. However, we will see the similarities and how refactoring is accomplished, step-by-step.

Given two functions, each sums the values provided.

The first function adds all of the integers in a raw array:

int sum(int array[], int n) {
  int sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
    sum += array[i];
  return sum;

The second adds all of the elements in a simple, home-grown linked list.

// create a simple node in a linked list
struct node {
  int value = 0;
  node* next = nullptr;

int sum(node* first) {
  int s = 0;
  while (first) {        // first not false or zero
    s += first->value;
    first = first->next;
  return s;

How can we generalize and combine these two functions into one? We can rewrite both functions in a form of pseudo-code.

// we need a generic type 'T'
T sum(/* data */ )                   // somehow parameterize this
  T s = 0;
  while (/* not at end */ ) {        // loop through all elements
    s = s + /* get value */;         // compute sum
    /* get next data element */;
  return s;

We need several generic operations on data:

The STL style supports both data structures.

Like find, we define a pair of iterators. first and last. The iterator type should support the requirements of InputIterator.

A separate template parameter for the initial sum finishes the signature.

The value must be a regular type and the dereferenced iterator must be convertible to the value type.

The function signature becomes:

template <typename InputIt, typename T>
// requires: InputIt is convertible to T when dereferenced
//        && InputIt is EqualityComparable
//        && T is Regular
T sum (InputIt first, InputIt last, T value) {

The main loop checks whether we should continue and accumulates the sum:

while (first != last) {
  value = value + *first;

And we can use this algorithm with either a raw array or a linked list.

See this example running step-by-step

17.3.1. Removing a final assumption

Can we make sum even more generic?

Sum still has a hard-coded assumption that addition ( the operator+ function) is the operation that we always want to perform.

Might we want to perform any binary operation on a sequence? If yes, then we can add one more template parameter allowing callers to pass in a function pointer (or equivalent).

The function signature becomes:

template <typename InputIt, typename T, typename BinaryOp>
// requires: InputIt is convertible to T when dereferenced
//        && InputIt is EqualityComparable
//        && T is Regular
T accumulate (InputIt first, 
              InputIt last, 
              T value,
              BinaryOp op) {

The main loop replaces the explicit + with a call to a provided binary operator:

  value = op(value, *first);

This could be addition: operator+, but can now support any binary operation that the type T supports.

A default operation can be provided with a supporting template that calls accumulate with plus.

template <typename InputIt, typename T>
T accumulate (InputIt first, InputIt last, T value) {
  return accumulate(first, last, value, std::plus<T>());

See this example running step-by-step

Note that we did not pass + or * to a function. The symbol + is not a type.

The parameter passed through BinaryOp op must be a valid type.

A function can take a pointer or a type as a parameter. Function objects passed as parameters must satisfy the requirements of function. Lambda expressions, function objects, and functions pointers are all acceptable. The STL has a large collection of operator types that can be passed to functions.

More to Explore

  • From CPP Core Guidelines

    • T.2: Use templates to express algorithms that apply to many argument types

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