What if I need help in this class right now?

You think my book needs help. I’m sorry to hear that, but I understand this text may not work for everyone.

You need help, what other resources are out there?

First consider your first semester C++ textbook. It may not cover everything in this course, but it will certainly provide review of fundamentals if you need that.

Every page in the textbook has a “More to Explore” section with links related to the material on that page. I admit that many of these links are “cppreference.com heavy” and reference and not exactly a tutorial. However, the links are still worth checking out, especially if you are currently reading a page that is giving you trouble.

There is a first semester textbook I am working on for C++. I trust it as far as it goes, but it is incomplete.



I have a love hate relationship. I can’t learn anything from them, but I get everyone learns differently. Also, it bugs me that people always are trying to sell you something on YouTube. That said, here are some video sources that I trust. Some are linked from my textbook:

All these videos are usually short, single topic tutorials.

Other resources

I highly recommend trying out excerism.io. You can solve simple problems in C++ and many other languages too. The problems are designed like a ladder with gradually increasing difficulty.

If you learn of anything particularly useful to you, please share!

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