9.7. Strategy pattern

We can think of flying as a strategy different birds employ to move around. Birds don’t inherit a fly behavior, they have it. The centerpiece of the solution is to isolate many different types of flying behavior behind a single class that stores a pointer to a function implementing the behavior. Each implementation defines a different strategy for the interface.

Flying strategy

Any callable entity (function, function object, or lambda) is a potential strategy that derived classes of a bird can now use.

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>

#define FunctionObject typename

// an alias to avoid copying std::function ... everywhere
using fly_strategy = std::function<void()>;

class fly_behavior {
    template<FunctionObject F>
    explicit fly_behavior(F strategy)
      : strategy {strategy}
    { }

    void fly() { strategy(); }

    fly_strategy strategy;

// a function object that implements a strategy
struct soar
  void operator() () {
   std::cout << "fly by soaring.\n";

// a free function can also implement a strategy
void no_flying_allowed() {
  std::cout << "I don't fly.\n";

The base class now delgates the fly behavior to the strategy instead of either defining a single fixed behavior or forcing every derived class to create one. In languages without lambda expressions, each implemented strategy is usually implemented as a separate class, each inheriting from the base strategy class. In C++, an inheritance based solution is possible, but not required. There is no ‘best’ solution - your needs must drive the final design decision. In general, if the strategy also needs to store state information, then implement as a class or function object. If the strategy is stateless, then implement a functional solution.

class bird {
  fly_strategy strategy = soar();

  bird () = default;
  explicit bird(fly_strategy strategy)
   : strategy(strategy)
  ~bird () = default;

  // change strategy mid-stream
  void fly_behavior (fly_strategy new_strategy) {
   strategy = new_strategy;

  void fly() {

In this example, a bird may

An example of birds using the strategy:

// a hawk can use the default soar behavior
class hawk : public bird {
   hawk() = default;

// this penguin defines its fly behavior using a free function
class penguin : public bird {
     : bird(no_flying_allowed)

int main() {
  hawk h;

  penguin p;

  // change the behavior for just this penguin
      std::cout << "With a rocket pack, now I can fly!!\n";

  return 0;

Notice that we fixed our inheritance problem by using composition. Not only did composition allow us to encapsulate a family of behaviors, it also allowed a simple hook to enable changing the behavior at runtime.

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