11.4. Moving memory

In the section on Operator overloads we briefly covered the std::swap algorithm. The implementation of swap for built in types is trivially implemented:

void swap(int& a, int& b)
   auto temp = a;
   a = b;
   b = temp;

However, even though a and b are both passed by non-const reference, this is still an expensive function to call for any type that is large or expensive to copy.

C++11 adds facilities that give programmers tools to replace expensive copies with moves. In C++11, if the right hand side of an expression is an rvalue and if the object supports moving, then moving memory is performed instead of copying memory. Given a potentially large type, such as vector, we can re-write the swap algorithm in terms of moves

void swap(vector<string>& a, vector<string>& b)
   auto temp = static_cast<vector<string>&&>(a); // cast to rvalue reference
   a = static_cast<vector<string>&&>(b);
   b = static_cast<vector<string>&&>(temp);

Casting manually to a rvalue reference is ugly and awkward. Simplifying this expression is the motivation behind move:

void swap(vector<string>& a, vector<string>& b)
   auto temp = std::move(a); // cast to rvalue reference
   a = std::move(b);
   b = std::move(temp);

The move function simply converts it’s parameter into rvalue reference, and marks the object as being ready for a ‘move’. Using std::move is exactly the same as using a static cast to an rvalue reference.

Just a moment ago, we mentioned a big ‘if’ regarding moves. We said

… if the object supports moving …

How do we create objects that support moving?

With a move constructor.

11.4.1. Move constructors and move assignment

A move constructor is a constructor of the form:

class_name (class_name&&);

Note that the parameter to the constructor is not a constant. This is done for the same reasons swap functions take non-const references. We pass non-constant rvalue references to our move constructors so that we can exchange our current (empty) object for the one provided.

X::X (X&& other)
  // exchange content between other and this

The move assignment operator is similar to copy assignment, but with the now familiar rvalue reference parameter:

X& X::operator=(X&& rhs)
  // exchange content between other and this
  return *this;

// Given 2 objects
X a,b;
// do something to b

// We can copy them
a = b;

// Or force a move
a = std::move(b);

As always we need to be concerned with what to do if our object manages its own resources. If class X has, for example, data on the free store, then we need to ensure any resources that might create side effects are addressed when we use move assignment.

If move semantics are implemented as a simple swap, then the effect of this is that the objects held by a and b are being exchanged between a and b. Nothing is being destructed yet. The object formerly held by b will of course be destructed eventually - when b goes out of scope. But if a also becomes the target of a move, then the object formerly held by a gets passed on again. As far as the implementer of the assignment operator is concerned, it is not known when the object will be destructed.

So we have a small problem that needs to be fixed. A variable has been assigned to, but the object formerly held by that variable is still out there somewhere. Any part of an object’s destruction that has side effects should be performed explicitly in the rvalue reference overload of the assignment operator:

X& X::operator=(X&& rhs)
  // Perform a cleanup that takes care of at least those parts of the
  // destructor that have side effects. Be sure to leave the object
  // in a destructible and assignable state.

  // exchange content between other and this

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