15.2. Hash functions

Unless we have special knowledge about the keys, the best we can say about “minimizing the number of collisions” is that we hope that our hashing function will distribute the keys uniformly, that is, if keys are selected at random, then the probability of the next key going into any particular position in the hash table should be the same as for any other position.

This is sometimes harder to achieve in practice than we might expect.

So to recap: a good hash function:


Don’t get hung up on trying to find hash functions that “mean something”. Most hash functions don’t compute anything useful or “natural”. They are simply functions chosen to satisfy our requirements (fast and uniform over the range \(0 \to (table\_size-1)\).

15.2.1. Integer hashes

If your integers are already in the range \(0 \to (table\_size-1)\) then there is nothing to do:

int hash(int i) {return i;}

So integer keys are easy, but you can’t always take them for granted. A company once assigned an integer ID number to every employee. When the computerized system for the company payroll was created, the way the IDs were assigned when like this:

  • Start with a list of all current employees, in alphabetical order by name.

  • Assign the first person in the list the ID 00005, the next person 00010, then 00015, and so on.

This left “gaps” in the ID number sequence that could be used later for new employees.

When a new person was hired, someone would compare the new person’s name to the alphabetical list of employee names and would assign the new person a number lying somewhere in the gap between the people already in the list.

Because of this scheme, more than 3/4 of the ID numbers in the company were evenly divisible by 5.

Let’s suppose some hash table with size == 100 simply use the hash function described previously and use % to constrain them to the table:

int hash(int i) {return i % 100;}

There are 20 numbers divisible by 5 in the range from 0 to 99. So 3/4 of the ID numbers would hash into only 1/5 of the table positions. These numbers are not being distributed uniformly.

There is an easy fix: change the hash table size to 101. Making the table just 1 element larger improves the distribution considerably:


hash to

00005, 00010, …, 00100

5, 10, …, 100

00105, 00110, …, 00200

4, 9, …, 99

00205, 00210, …, 00300

3, 8, …, 98

00305, 00310, …, 00400

2, 7, …, 97

The lesson here: the distribution of the original key values is important.

The difference between using 100 vs using 101 is no accident. Choosing prime numbers for hash table sizes tends to increase the uniformity of key distributions.

15.2.2. String hashes

Hash functions for strings generally work by adding up some expression applied to each character in the string (remember that a char is just another integer type in C++).

We need to be a little careful to get an appropriate distribution. Although a char could be any of 255 different values, most strings actually contain only the 96 “printable” characters starting at ASCII value 32 (blank).

Also we often want to make sure that similar strings, likely to occur together, don’t hash to the same location. So a simple hash function like this:

unsigned hash (const string& words)
   unsigned value = 0;
   for (const auto& ch: words) {
     value += ch;
   return value;

doesn’t work very well. Words that differ only by transposition of characters have the same value.

An improved approach is to account for the position of each character in the string.

unsigned hash (const string& words)
   unsigned value = 1;
   constexpr unsigned factor = 31;  // or any suitable prime
   for (const auto& ch: words) {
     value = value*factor + ch;
   return value;

If value becomes large, eventually this expression may overflow, but for unsigned types this is not a problem. Again, we are looking for a uniform distribution of values we can generate for our hash table.

Manually writing our own hash functions for builtin standard library types is not needed. The STL provides the template std::hash and a set of standard overrides for types in the standard library.

15.2.3. Hashing user defined types

If you define your own struct or class, you need to write your own hash function. Normally this will be a std::hash<> override. Consider a struct point and a sample hash function:

struct point {
  int x;
  int y;

namespace std {
  template <>
  struct hash<point>
    std::size_t operator()(const point& p) const
      return   std::hash<int>()(7919) // or any suitable prime
             + std::hash<int>()(p.x) * 73
             + std::hash<int>()(p.y) * 557;

The std::hash override must be a function template, although in this case, no template parameter is needed. The template declaration template <> is perfectly valid.


Notice a recurring theme: prime numbers as multipliers. Prime numbers as multipliers help minimize collisions when the hash values of different parts of an object have the same value or are simple multiples of one another.

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