13.6. Basic iterator operations

By design, iterators in C++ feel as if you are using pointers. Most iterators support the same operations as pointers.



p == q

true if and only if p and q point to the same element or both point to end

p != q

negation of above


refers to the element pointed to by p

*p = val

writes val to the element pointed to by p

val = *p

reads from the element pointed to by p and writes to val


increment the iterator, making it point to the next element in the container or to end

13.6.1. Iterator categories

Different containers need different capabilities from their iterators.

Instead of being defined by specific types, each category of iterator is defined by the operations that can be performed on it. This definition means that any type that supports the necessary operations can be used as an iterator — for example, a pointer supports all of the operations required by Random Access Iterator, so a pointer can be used anywhere a Random Access Iterator is expected.

All of the iterator categories (except Output Iterator) can be organized into a hierarchy, where more powerful iterator categories Random Access Iterator) support the operations of less powerful categories (e.g. Input Iterator). If an iterator falls into one of these categories and also satisfies the requirements of Output Iterator, then it is called a mutable iterator and supports both input and output. Non-mutable iterators are called constant iterators.

Iterator categories
Input Iterator

Read elements and increments using operator++, without multiple passes. Classes like basic_istream provide this iterator.

Forward Iterator

InputIterator, plus increment using operator++, with multiple passes. The forward_list container provides this iterator.

Bidirectional Iterator

ForwardIterator, plus decrement using operator-- Containers like list, map, and set provide this iterator.

Random Access Iterator

BidirectionalIterator, plus access using operator[] Before C++17, containers like vector, array, and string provided this iterator. It is still used for unordered collections like unordered_map and unordered_set

Contiguous Iterator

RandomAccessIterator, plus the container makes a continuous storage guarantee. This category was added in C++17. Before C++17, iterators of containers like vector and array were often treated as a separate category. This category simply formalizes what was happening in practice.

Output Iterator

More of a ‘sub category’ of all of the others. If the iterator allows writing to the element, it is also an OutputIterator An output iterator can only be dereferenced on the left-hand side of an expression:

vector<int> v = {1,2,3};
auto it = v.begin();
*it = 0;

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