5.10. Lambda expressions

A lambda expression, or simply lambda, provides a means to define an anonymous function right at the location where it is invoked or passed as an argument to a function.

Often, it is more convenient to write a very short function ‘in line’ where the function is used rather than:

  1. Write a separate function with a name

  2. Store the function in a specific compilation unit

  3. #include the compilation unit definitions where it will be used

  4. Call or pass the function as an argument

While using STL facilities with lambdas is not required, it turns out that many facilities in the STL take function pointers as arguments. This fact makes lambdas particularly useful since any place a function pointer can be used, a lambda expression can be used instead.

Suppose we want to count the number of short strings in a vector. There is a ‘count if’ function in the STL we can use to get the job done. The std::count_if function expects 3 parameters:

The last parameter is commonly called a predicate function. A predicate function is a fancy name for a function that returns a bool.

We could implement this using the techniques we have already learned:

bool less_than_5(const string& str) {
  return str.size() < 5;

size_t num_short_strings(const vector<string>& v) {
  const string* begin = v.data();            // must be const
  const auto end = begin + v.size();
  return count_if(begin, end, less_than_5);

While it is easy to write as many functions like this as we need: less_than_10, greater_than_15, etc., it’s clear this would get tedious quickly. Nor it is very flexible. Each time we want to compare a different value, or use a different comparator, we need to add a new function and recompile the program!

In addition, if less_than_5 is never used anywhere else, it seems like a bad idea to have this special-case function elevated to the status equivalent to all other functions. Conceptually, it doesn’t deserve to have the status of a full-fledged function with its own name, callable from anywhere.

Our goal is to avoid writing a new function for every little comparison we want to make. One obvious solution is to add a parameter to our less_than_5 function:

bool less_than(const string& str, size_t size) {
  return str.size() < size;

Unfortunately, we can’t use this function in std::count_if. The new version of the function is arguably more generic, but we can’t use our ‘improved’ less_than in count_if. A predicate must be a unary function. In other words, it can take only 1 parameter, no more. The ‘improved’ function is less useful than the old, even though we made it ‘generic’. We need a way to pass more than one parameter to a function that can only take 1 parameter.

Starting in C++11, a new language feature was added just for this kind of problem: lambda expressions. Depending on where you go, you’ll also see these referred to as closures, lambda functions, function literals, or just lambdas.

A lambda allows us to omit the separate function definition entirely and use it within the num_short_strings function as an inline parameter to count_if:

1size_t num_short_strings(const vector<string>& v) {
2  const string* begin = v.data();
3  const auto end = begin + v.size();
5  return count_if(begin, end,
6                  [](string x) { return (x.size() < 5); });

The lambda on line 6 completely replaces the old function less_than_5.

The general syntax for a lambda is:

[ captures ] (parameters) -> returnType { lambda_body; }

The capture block [] is required, even if empty. This informs the compiler that a lambda expression is beginning.

The capture block allows the lambda to capture variables from outside the scope of the lambda body and use them within the lambda. Without a capture, no variables outside the lambda scope are visible within the lambda.

In our previous example, it would allow us to extend num_short_strings by being able to pass in a value, rather than hard code the value 5:

size_t num_short_strings(const vector<string>& v, size_t sz) {
  const string* begin = v.data();
  const auto end = begin + v.size();

  return count_if(begin, end,
                  [&sz](string x) { return (x.size() < sz); });

The parameter is optional, but many useful standard algorithms that operate on containers expect to be able to pass each container element one at a time to a function that will use it. This is exactly what count_if does.

The return type is also optional. A lambda will ordinarily be able to deduce the correct type from the return statement, so an explicit return is not needed.

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using std::string;
using std::vector;

// Show the number of strings in the vector whose length
// is between min and max.
// perhaps a better name for this function is 'show_lengths_between'
void show_lengths (const vector<string>& v, size_t min, size_t max) {
  const string* begin = v.data();
  const auto end = begin + v.size();

  std::cout << "Number of names of length \n";
  for (std::size_t i = min; i < max; ++i) {
    std::cout << i << ": \t";
    std::cout << std::count_if(begin, end,
               [&i](string x) { return (x.size() == i); });
    std::cout << '\n';


int main () {
  vector<string> names = {
    "alice", "bob", "clarissa", "dario", "elizabeth",
    "abbi", "barnabas", "clarabelle", "daniel", "ethan"
    "farouk", "gabby", "hanh phuc", "lakshay",
    "fabrice", "gail", "habeeb", "jabir", "liza",
    "muhammad", "nora", "oscar", "pauline", "roberto",
    "scarlett", "thomas", "ubelia", "victorio",
    "wahkisha", "xan", "yacov", "zabrina"

  show_lengths (names, 2, 13);

Try this!

Rewrite the rot13/rot47 program to use lambdas to perform the rotation instead of traditional function calls

5.10.1. Assigning a lambda to a variable

A lambda does not always need to be defined within another function or within a function parameter list. You can define a lambda any place a normal function can be defined, but if you do this, you must assign the lambda to a variable so that it has a name:

#include <iostream>
int main() {
  auto lambda = [] {
    std::cout << "Hello, lambda!\n";

Once a lambda has a name, it is called like a function, using operator(). The previous example was about as simple as a lambda can get. No return type and no parameter.

Note the use of auto when defining the type of a lambda. In the case of a lambda, auto is not an option. If auto was not used, what type would we supply in its place?

 1int main () {
 2  vector<int> numbers { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
 3                       35, 45, 50 };
 4  const int* begin = numbers.data();
 5  const auto end = begin + numbers.size();
 7  auto gt_5 = count_if(begin, end,
 8                [](int x) { return (x > 5); });
10  cout << "The # of elements > 5 is: "
11       << gt_5 << ".\n";

Actually, there is no way to know. Each lambda defines a new type. Only the compiler knows exactly what the type is, so as a programmer, you must use auto and allow the compiler to deduce it.

Even two identical lambdas will become two different types when compiled.

It is possible to convert between lambda expressions and function pointers, as this video demonstrates:

5.10.2. Trailing return types in lambda expressions

When the compiler cannot deduce the correct type, or does not deduce the desired type, then the return type must be specified.

Since the capture clause must be first, we have a problem: where to specify the return type. It can’t come before the capture clause, which is where return types are defined for normal functions.

In a lambda, the only option is to specify a trailing return type. It can be used with ordinary functions also, but they are most commonly seen in lambda expressions and function templates.

A trailing return type is operator->, followed by the return type. The trailing return type must occur after the parameter list and before the function body. This is true for both lambdas and normal functions.

In the following function, we want to return a type other than what would normally be returned by the operations.

int main () {
  cout << "The return value of this odd function is: "
          [](double x, double y) -> int {
            if (x > 5) {
              return x + y;
            } else if (y < 2) {
              return x - y;
            } else {
              return x * y;
          } (3.14159, 2.71828) << ".\n";

Note in the previous example we defined a lambda taking two parameters and then immediately called it using operator().

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