5.2. Using pointers

The simplest way to use a pointer is to get their value as with any other variable. This value will be an address, which can be stored in another pointer variable of the same type.

int n = 2;
int* p = &n;  // points to n
int* q = p;   // points to n also

Once a pointer has been dereferenced, it is treated exactly like any other variable of that type.

*p = *p + *q; // n = 4

Pointers support many of the same operations as other arithmetic types.



p == q

true if and only if p and q both store the same address or the nullptr type

p != q

negation of above


refers to the value pointed to by p

*p = val

writes val to the storage location pointed to by p

val = *p

reads from the location pointed to by p and writes to val

++p p++

increment the pointer, making it point to the next memory address after p

p = p+x

add the integral value x to the pointer making it point to x memory addresses after p

--p p--

decrement the pointer, making it point to the previous memory address before p

p = p-x

subtract x from p making it point to x memory addresses before p

The * operator binds very tightly, in other words, is it has high precedence. You can usually use *p anywhere you could use the variable it points to without worrying about parentheses. However, a few operators, such as the unary decrement and increment (-- and ++) operators, and the member of (.) operator used to unpack structs and classes, all have higher precedence. These require parentheses if you want the * to take precedence.

Activity: CodeLens Using pointers (pointers_using_intro_cl)

Unlike the fundamental types in C++, pointer types do not implicitly convert to other types. While we expect to be able to assign an int to a double, it is a compile error to assign an int pointer to a double pointer:

int    i = 5;
double d = i;     // OK.  implicit widening conversion

int*    pi = &i;
double* di = pi;  // compile error

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