11.6. A histogram

It is often useful to take the data from the previous tables and store them for later access, rather than just print them. What we need is a way to store 10 integers. We could create 10 integer variables with names like how_many_ones, how_many_twos, etc. But that would require a lot of typing, and it would be a real pain later if we decided to change the range of values.

A better solution is to use a vector with size 10. That way we can create all ten storage locations at once and we can access them using indices, rather than ten different names. Here’s how:

int num_values = 100000;
int upper_bound = 9;
std::vector<int> numbers = make_vector (num_values, upper_bound);
std::vector<int> histogram (upper_bound);

for (int i = 0; i <= upper_bound; ++i) {
  histogram[i] = howMany (vector, i);

I called the vector histogram because that’s a statistical term for a vector of numbers that counts the number of appearances of a range of values.

The tricky thing here is that I am using the loop variable in two different ways. First, it is an argument to how_many, specifying which value I am interested in. Second, it is an index into the histogram, specifying which location I should store the result in.

We are making a major assumption with our histogram: we assume we will remember that each index position in histogram also corresponds to the value counted. In other words, index position 0 stores the count for how many times the value 0 was randomly generated. The value 0 is not explicitly stored anywhere - it is implied from the position.

If we reorder the data in the histogram, our results are invalid.

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