6.3. Stack Diagrams for Recursive Functions

In the previous chapter we used a stack diagram to represent the state of a program during a function call. The same kind of diagram can make it easier to interpret a recursive function.

Remember that every time a function gets called it creates a new instance that contains the function’s local variables and parameters.

This figure shows a stack diagram for countdown, called with n = 3:

Stack diagram for countdown

There is one instance of main and four instances of countdown, each with a different value for the parameter n. The top of the stack, countdown with n = 0 is the base case. It does not make a recursive call, so there are no more instances of countdown.


Does the stack grow upward or downward?

Actually, it’s implementation defined. But on any given platform, stack growth is consistent. It can’t grow ‘up’ one day and ‘down’ the next.

We normally think of a stack like a physical stack of plates with the most recent item on the top. When the stack grows ‘down’ then the most recent item appears visually on the bottom. Slightly confusing, but they are drawn this way in the book to be consistent with the stack visualizations in codelens.

The instance of main is calls countdown, but does not have any parameters or local variables.

Try This!

Draw a stack diagram for print_lines, invoked with the parameter n = 4.

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