7.2. string variablesΒΆ

You can create a variable with type string in the usual ways.

In the code below, the first line creates a string without giving it a value. The second line assigns it the string value "Hello,". The third line is a combined declaration and assignment, also called an initialization.

std::string first;
first = "Hello, ";
std::string second = "world.";

Normally when string values like "Hello, " or "world." appear, they are treated as C strings. In this case, when we assign them to an string variable, they are converted automatically to string values.

We can output strings in the usual way:

cout << first << second << endl;

In order to compile this code, you will have to include the header file containing the string definitions to all your source files that refer to the string type.

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Construct a block of code that correctly prints out a string variable.

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