9.4. Inheritance

Inheritance enables new classes to receive — or inherit — the properties and methods of existing classes. In C++, we can extend a class, adding data members or behavior in a new type. Consider the following example:


class shape {
    Color color_ = Color::BLUE;
    virtual ~shape() = default;
    void   color (Color new_color) { color_ = new_color; }
    Color  color ()  const         { return color_; }
    virtual void   move();

The class shape defines common behaviors that can be shared among all classes. This shape class provides some definitions and requires derived classes to provide others.

In the base class shape, the virtual keyword instructs the compiler that the marked functions can be overridden in derived classes. The shape example illustrates different ways base class functions may be implemented.

The color functions are not marked virtual. These functions are inherited by all derived classes, and cannot be overridden. These functions represent a mandatory implementation. In this design, every shape must have a color, and it is changed using these functions.

The move function is marked virtual. A default implementation is defined in the shape class, but derived classes are free to override it if needed.

The shape class destructor: ~shape() is also marked virtual. Even if this class manages no resources, it is a good idea to define a virtual destructor for every base class. This allows derived constructors to be called if the base class is used in a container.

Derived classes declare their bases immediately after the derived class name. The general format is:

class derived_name: {access_modifier} base_name, {access_modifier} base2_name, . . .

Applying this to our base class shape we can define a circle like this:

class circle: public shape {
   double radius = 1;
    void   move() override;

Which creates a by default a blue circle with radius = 1. A circle inherits its ability to change color from its parent: shape. This circle implements its own version of the move() function.

The keyword override tells the compiler that this function intends to override a virtual function in a base class. Although a C++11 feature and not required, it is a best practice since it provides the compiler more information about your intent and can flag functions with incorrect signatures.

Note that a class may inherit from more than one base class.

9.4.1. Base class references and pointers

One of the primary benefits of inheritance become apparent when passed as parameters or when used in container classes. Object references and pointers will call the correct derived class member function in an inheritance hierarchy. For example, some part of our drawing program need to draw any shape, without having special case code to determine what the shape type is:

draw_shape (const shape& s) {

int main() {
  Circle c;

Although we can’t instantiate a shape, we can pass a derived class instance (circle, triangle, etc.) to a function that takes a reference to a shape. This works because a circle is a shape. A circle is both a circle and a shape.

Passing a pointer would work as well as a reference:

draw_shape (const shape* s) {

int main() {
  Circle c;

The polymorphism achieved by assigning derived classes only works when assignment is through a reference or a pointer.

Recall that containers are limited to values of a single type and that references are not assignable. How do we create a vector of shape objects? Through a pointer:

#include <memory>
#include <vector>

using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;

draw_all (const std::vector<unique_ptr<shape>>& shapes) {
  for (const auto& s: shapes) {

int main() {
  std::vector<unique_ptr<shape>> shapes;


The std::vector` of unique pointers could have been implemented with a vector of raw pointers:

std::vector<shape*> shapes;
shapes.push_back(new circle());

This version works essentially the same as the previous version, but requires a bit more code to manage our own memory.

9.4.2. When to use inheritance

Adapted from Composition vs. Inheritance: How to Choose?.

The most common — and beneficial — use of inheritance is to incrementally extend types. If we need a widget that is just like an existing Widget class, but with a few tweaks and enhancements, then inheritance is suitable. Inheritance is the right choice because our derived class is still a widget. We want to reuse the entire interface and implementation from the base class and our changes are primarily additive. That is, the derived class adds capabilities to base. If you find that a derived class is removing things provided by the base class, then question inheriting from that base.

Inheritance is most useful for grouping related sets of concepts, identifying families of classes, and in general organizing the names and concepts that describe the domain. As we delve deeper into the implementation of a system, we may find that our original generalizations about the domain concepts, captured in our inheritance hierarchies, are incorrect. Don’t be afraid to disassemble inheritance hierarchies into sets of complementary cooperating interfaces and components when the code leads you in that direction.

There is no substitute for object modeling and critical design thinking. But if you must have some guidelines, consider these.

Inheritance should only be used when:

  • Both classes are in the same logical domain

  • The derived class is a proper subtype of the base class: think is a

  • The base class implementation is necessary or appropriate for the derived class

  • The enhancements made by the derived class are primarily additive

9.4.3. Private inheritance

In the classes derived from shape, we declare public members of the shape class to also have public access the derived classes. Compare:

class circle: public shape {} // case #1: public inheritance

class circle: shape {}        // case #2: private inheritance

In the second case, the public members of shape are treated as private members of class circle. This is almost always a bug for new programmers and a common source of error.

The default inheritance model in C++ is private inheritance for classes and public for structs. In private inheritance all of the base class members: data and functions, public, protected, and private, are treated as private members of the derived class.

A common question is “Why would we ever do this?”

If a derived class wants to reuse all of the code from a base class, but not conform to the interface, then private inheritance is how to achieve that.

Consider std::stack. It is a container that adapts the capabilities of an underlying container. Although the default container for a std::stack is a std::deque, we don’t want to expose all of the functions of a deque in a stack.

9.4.4. Non-virtual base class functions

Every non-virtual base class function defines a mandatory interface for all derived classes. The language allows a derived class to implement its own version. For example:

struct B {
  void foo();
struct D: B {
  void foo();        // derived class D has its own version

If class D implements its own version of foo, then this is not an override. This is called shadowing and is often a bug.

The problem is this:

  • An instance of B will always call B::foo()

  • An instance of D will always call D::foo()

  • An instance of D in a container of pointers to B will call B::foo().

    New programmers are often caught off guard by this behavior.

    Most modern compilers will warn about this.

Even if the programmer is careful to ensure the contract defined by B::foo() is also met by struct D, there is no guarantee this can’t change in the future. There is no way to know what else may depend on the contract defined by B::foo or any if its invariants.

In general, if a derived class can’t use the existing mandatory interface defined by a base class, then it probably shouldn’t be a derived class.

9.4.5. Multiple inheritance

C++ allows for a single class to inherit capabilities from more than 1 class. The constructors of inherited classes are called in the same order in which they are inherited. For example, in the following program, B’s constructor is called before A’s constructor.

The destructors are called in reverse order of constructors.

The Diamond of Death

Since C++ allows multiple inheritance, the following relationships are valid:

multiple inheritance

The TeachingAssistant class is both a Teacher and a Student and inherits two copies of the Person base class data. When a TA is created, the Person constructor is called twice. Once for each copy of the Person stored. This is both wasteful and creates ambiguities.

The C++ solution to this problem is to inherit virtual base classes. For each distinct base class that is specified virtual, the most derived object contains only one base class subobject of that type, even if the class appears many times in the inheritance hierarchy (as long as it is inherited virtual every time). For example:

This solves the ‘multiple grandparent problem’ for the teaching assistant class, but note that the default Person constructor is called. If the name is stored in the Person class, then we need to call the non-default constructor.

The Person(string) constructor can be explicitly called in the TeachingAssistant initializer. In order for Faculty and Student to initialize correctly, the Person class must be constructed first:

    TeachingAssistant(string n)
      : Person(n), Faculty(n), Student(n)   { . . . }

Try This!

Change the TA signature in the previous active code example to call the 1 argument Person constructor.

What about the situation where Person defines a virtual function, which is overridden by Faculty and Student?

Which version of the function is invoked?

There is no way to know. Technically, any version could be called. The standard doesn’t specify anything in this situation Most compilers will essentially bail and not call any of the functions.

The TA class can resolve the ambiguity by explicitly calling a specific base class function. The derived class must call the fully qualified name of the function like this:

TeachingAssistant::foo() {
   if (weekday) {
   } else {

There is no obligation to always call all implementing functions, but in practice, this is often needed.

Note that this defeats the entire purpose of having runtime polymorphism. The derived class at the end of the inheritance chain might need code containing ‘knowledge’ about all of its ancestor classes. This is partly why the diamond is considered ‘deadly’.

Do we really need multiple inheritance?

Not really. We can do without multiple inheritance by using workarounds, exactly as we can do without single inheritance by using workarounds. We can even do without classes by using workarounds. C is a proof of that contention. However, every modern language with static type checking and inheritance provides some form of multiple inheritance. In C++, abstract classes often serve as interfaces and a class can have many interfaces. Other languages – often deemed “not MI” – simply has a separate name for their equivalent to a pure abstract class: an interface. The reason languages provide inheritance (both single and multiple) is that language-supported inheritance is typically superior to workarounds (e.g. use of forwarding functions to sub-objects or separately allocated objects) for ease of programming, for detecting logical problems, for maintainability, and often for performance.

—Bjarne Stroustrup’s C++ Style and Technique FAQ

9.4.6. Design problems

New programmers are generally eager to “do things the OO way” and tend to overuse inheritance relationships. This is especially true if starting with UML diagrams: many diagram look ‘too simple’ without a lot of boxes connected by generalization and dependency relations.

Consider the following classes.

Bird inheritance

We will explore solutions for fixing these types of design problems in the next section.


Prefer composition over inheritance.

It is very important when creating a class hierarchy using inheritance that every derived class passes the is a test for all of its bases. For example:

struct oven: public kitchen { . . . };

This is not a proper relationship. An oven is a thing commonly found in a kitchen, but that does not mean an oven is a kitchen. Because it fails this basic test, it is likely that variables and functions that apply to the base: cupboards, sink, enter_room(), etc will fail to make sense when applied to the derived class.

This is an example better modelled through composition. A kitchen has a sink in it.

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