9.5. Abstract base classes

Often the functions declared in a base class cannot be defined in the base class, but instead can only be implemented in the derived classes. Consider the shape example from the section Inheritance. How might we add draw and erase functions?

Shape inheritance

There is no situation where drawing a ‘generic shape’ makes sense. A shape might define general behaviors like draw(), but there is no all-purpose draw function. The shape class can’t know the implementation ahead of time. There is a way to code this in C++: by creating an abstract base class. In C++, an abstract class is any class with at least one unimplemented function:


class shape {
    Color color_ = Color::BLUE;
    virtual ~shape() = default;
    void   color (Color new_color) { color_ = new_color; }
    Color  color ()  const         { return color_; }
    virtual void   move();      // implemented in shape.cpp
    virtual void   draw() = 0;
    virtual void   erase() = 0;

The functions draw and erase are marked virtual. Note the = 0; at the end of the declaration. Referred to as the pure specifier, this marks these functions as pure virtual. It is the presence of at least 1 pure virtual function that make a class abstract. In this case, a shape does not know how to draw itself. Code that can only properly be implemented in the class that properly ‘owns’ the behavior (draw and erase) should be implemented in the derived classes.

Because a class the defines a pure virtual function cannot implement it, that means any class containing a pure virtual function can never be instantiated. Given the shape class defined here, this code:

shape s;

will not compile.

A class containing at least one pure virtual function can only be used as a base class.

class circle: public shape {
   double radius = 1;
    void   draw()  const override;
    void   erase() override;

class rectangle: public shape {
   double ht = 1;
   double wd = 1;
    void   draw()  const override;
    void   erase() override;

There is no requirement that pure virtual functions be implemented in the first derived class that inherits from a base. A derived class could implement it, but can itself remain abstract. A non-abstract derived class can make itself abstract by declaring a new pure virtual function, or by declaring an existing virtual function as pure virtual.

struct Base {
    virtual void f() = 0; // pure virtual

struct X : Base {
    void f() override {} // non-pure virtual
    virtual void g();     // non-pure virtual

struct Y : X {
    void g() override = 0; // pure virtual overrider

struct Z : Y {
    void g() override {}; // non-pure virtual

int main()
    Base b;      // Error: abstract class
    X x;         // OK

    Base& b = x; // OK to reference abstract base
    b.f();       // virtual dispatch to X::f()
    Y y;         // Error: abstract class (final overrider of g() is pure)
    Z z;         // OK: final overrider of g() is non-pure

9.5.1. Interfaces

When an abstract base class declares no member variables and declares only pure virtual functions, then the class is referred to as an interface. Technically, every class with at least 1 member function defines an interface, however, some languages give interface classes special treatment, so the term has fallen into use in C++ also.

We can rewrite the abstract class shape and convert it to behave like an interface:

class shape {
    virtual ~shape() = default;
    virtual void   move() = 0;      // implemented in shape.cpp
    virtual void   draw() = 0;
    virtual void   erase() = 0;

Notice we still have a default implementation for move, even though we declared it to be pure virtual.

Some experts (for example Herb Sutter in his article Virtuality, advocate it as a best practice to always define virtual methods private, unless there is a good reason to make them protected. Virtual methods, in their view, should never be public, because they define the class interface, which must remain consistent in all derived classes. Protected and private virtuals define the class customizable behavior, and there is no need to make them public. A public virtual method would define both interface and a customization point, a duality that could reflect weak design.

The primary problem with this type of public interface is that it doesn’t hold up well to changing requirements. If draw or erase need to return values, or if we need to add more pure virtual functions, every derived class is affected.

We can protect ourselves from future changes using the Template Method design pattern. The Template Method defines the steps of an algorithm and allows derived classes to provide implementations for one or more steps:

class hot_drink {
     ~hot_drink() = default;
     void prepare();       // the template method

     // ALL implementation steps are private
     virtual void brew() = 0;
     virtual void add_extras();

     // non-virtual mandatory parts of the recipe
     void heat();
     void pour();

void hot_drink::prepare()
  brew();        // call to the derived class
  add_extras();  // optionally call derived class
void hot_drink::add_extras()
  // this default implementation could just be a stub
  // it can optionally be customized by a derived class

We now have a generic framework for making all kinds of drinks, assuming they follow this basic recipe: coffee, tea, etc.

It may be surprising that private virtuals can be overridden, let alone are valid. You have likely been taught that private members in a base class are not accessible in classes derived from it, which is correct. However this inaccessibility by the derived class does not have anything to do with the virtual call mechanism, which is to the derived class.

What good is a method that the derived class can’t call? Even though the derived class can’t call it in the base class, the base class can call it — down to the appropriate derived class. And that’s what the Template Method pattern is all about.

In our coffee shop, we want to write the base class once, but still want the flexibility to think of new drink recipes today. The base class code we wrote a year ago will call the private virtual methods in its recipe. This might result in the base class calling code that did not exist when the base class was originally written.

Once our base class is done, we can implement derived classes:

class coffee : public hot_drink {
     ~coffee() = default;
     virtual void brew() = 0;
     virtual void add_extras();

void coffee::brew()
  // drip water through grinds
void coffee::add_extras()
  // add milk and sugar

class tea : public hot_drink {
     ~tea() = default;
     virtual void brew() = 0;
     virtual void add_extras();

void tea::brew()
  // steep tea in water
void tea::add_extras()
  // add lemon

And use it:

int main() {
  coffee c;

  tea t;

9.5.2. The final specifier

Added in C++11, this keyword specifies that a virtual function cannot be overridden in a derived class or that a class cannot be inherited from.

When used in a virtual function declaration or definition, final ensures that the function is virtual and specifies that it may not be overridden by derived classes. Attempting to override a final function is a compile error.

struct Base
    virtual void foo();

struct A : Base
    void foo() final; // A::foo is overridden and it is the final override
    void bar() final; // Error: non-virtual function cannot be overridden or be final

struct B final : A // struct B is final
    void foo() override; // Error: foo cannot be overridden as it's final in A

struct C : B // Error: B is final

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