13.3. std::forward_list

Like list, the forward_list is a container that stores elements in nodes A forward list only defines pointers to the next node in the list. This means that a forward list can only be traversed in the direction of the tail.

digraph list {
node [fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans", fontsize=14,
          style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue,

head [shape=box];
a [label="{ <data> 8 | <ref>  }", width=1.2]
b [label="{ <data> 13 | <ref>  }"];
c [label="{ <data> 21 | <ref>  }"];
tail [shape=box];
head:e -> a:w     [arrowhead=vee];
a:ref:c -> b:data [arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=dot, dir=both, tailclip=false, arrowsize=1.2];
b:ref:c -> c:data [arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=dot, dir=both, tailclip=false];
c:ref:c -> tail:w [arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=dot, dir=both, tailclip=false];

The defining operations of a std::forward_list are:


Add a new element to the beginning of the list.


Remove an element from the beginning of the list.


Get the value of the element at the beginning of the list.

Compared to std::list this container provides more space efficient storage when bidirectional iteration is not needed. A very light-weight container, it does not have any overhead compared to its implementation in C.

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