Runestone Interactive

Runestone Interactive

Democratizing textbooks for the 21st century

The Runestone Interactive project does three things:

  1. Provides great online interactive textbooks for free
  2. Develops open source authoring and course management tools for creating quality interactive learning resources.
  3. Hosts custom versions of textbooks in the cloud for colleges, universities, and high schools around the world.

Started in 2011, the first versions of Runestone textbooks went public in June 2012, we have since grown to over 20,000 students a day, and are used in over 600 institutions around the world.

Meet the Team

Brad Miller

Professor, Computer Science, Luther College. Brad Founded Runestone Interactive while on Sabbatical in 2011.

Brad's Blog

David Ranum

Professor, Computer Science, Luther College

David's Blog

Mark Guzdial

Professor, College of Computing at Georgia Tech

Mark's Blog

Barbara Ericson

Director of Computing Outreach, Sr. Research Scientist, Georgia Tech

More about Barbara

Paul Resnick

Professor, University of Michigan School of Information

More about Paul

Former Students

  1. Vipul Thakur, Masters - Georgia Tech
  2. Isaac Dontje-Lindell - Luther College
  3. Isaiah Meyerchak - Luther College
  4. Kirby Olson - Luther College

Current Students

  1. Kyle Miller - Luther College
  2. Devin Hanggi - Luther College
  3. Tyler Conzett -- Luther College
  4. Hillary Gardner -- Luther College

Related Projects

Runestone Interactive would not be what it is without the components from other open source projects