Runestone Interactive

Library of Titles

The Runestone Interactive tools create compelling interactive learning resources used by hundreds of Colleges, Universities, and High Schools around the world. Here is a list of the titles we know about. Contact us to add yours to the list.

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition

Based on the original open source book. Learn Python, try examples, answer questions, interactively, right in the book!

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

CS for All

Written by Christine Alvarado, Zachary Dodds, Geoff Kuenning, and Ran Libeskind-Hadas at Harvey Mudd College

CS for All

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python

Written by Brad Miller and David Ranum. Published in Paper format by Franklin Beedle and Associates

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures

Everyday Python

An occasional blog, written by Brad Miller, that provides contextualized programming lessons. Examples include Schooling Fish, steganography, prime factors, and an XKCD style password generator. Includes links to the "How to Think" book to cover introductory material on programming constructs used in the lessons. The idea is to focus on fun problems in lots of areas, the goal is to turn this into a fun CS1 textbook.

Everyday Python

Learn WebGL

By Dr. C Wayne Brown of the US Air Force Academy. The traditional approach to learning a subject is to divide the topic into sub-topics, study each sub-topic, and then show how the sub-topics relate to each other. That is not the approach for these tutorials. These tutorials start with the “big picture” and then study the details of each sub-system that composes the complex overall system. The study of each sub-system starts from basic principles and tries to avoid any assumptions about what the student knows or does not know. Learn WebGL

Java For Python Programmers

This short book helps with the transition from Python to Java

Java 4 Python

Java Review for the AP CS A Exam

This great resource, written by Barbara Ericson, is loaded with review questions and clear explanations.

Java Review

Programs, Information, and People

This book is part "How to Think..." and part new from Paul Resnick at the University of Michigan School of Information Programs, Information, People

Course Reader - CS160

Written by Andrew Scholer, "A collection I put together with Runestone for my Intro to CS course. It is a creative commons licensed set of materials I gathered from other open sources and bundled into a single work." CS160 Course Reader

Fundamentals of Web Programming

Written by Brad Miller, this book is designed for a seven week course I teach to majors and non majors. It introduces HTML, CSS, and a bit of Javascript. Fundamentals of Web Programming

CS Principles: Big Ideas in Programming

Written by Mark Guzidial and designed for Teachers! This book supports the new AP CS Principles curriculum

Student Computer Science Principles

Transforming Data with ClojureScript

Written by J. David Eisenberg Designed for non-programmers, it focuses on what is still one of the main programming tasks, "transforming data." Based on ClojureScript it takes a functional approach.

Transforming Data with ClojureScript

Shorter Works

If you have some materials you have written using the Runestone Interactive Tools, please contact us and let us know about it.

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