Complete Table of Contents¶
Front Matter¶
Legal and foreward
- Copyright Notice
- GNU Free Documentation License
- Foreword
- Preface
- C and C++ concepts
- Mathematical Background
- Algorithm Analysis
Main Body¶
- 1. Development tools
- 1.1. Git setup
- 1.2. Using Git
- 1.3. Building software
- 1.4. Compiling code on your local computer
- 1.5. Introducing Gnu/Linux
- 1.6. Introducing the vim editor
- 1.7. Command-line compiling
- 1.8. Debugging
- 2. String and Vector
- 3. Introduction to functions
- 4. Function overloads and templates
- 5. Pointers
- 6. Recursion
- 7. Introduction to classes
- 8. Class constructors and overloads
- 9. Class design
- 10. Class templates and
- 11. Memory management and
- 12. Stacks and Queues
- 13. Linked lists
- 14. Trees and associative data structures
- 16. Sorting
- 17. Algorithms
- Glossary
Back Matter¶
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